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              TOM Global Projects Galery 
In association with: 

48-72 hours

to make

a difference

TOM is a community of Makers and Need Knowers, leveraging technology to address real-life needs.

Join us for a three-day Makeathon!  Work with other Makers and Need Knowers in one of the most rewarding experiences.

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TOM New Jersey Community Resources

Thank you for visiting and participating  in the activities of our TOM New Jersey  community of assistive technology Makers and Need-Knowers.

Please read through our web site to learn more about us or contact us directly for more information.


If you are new to our community, please watch the following video to familiarize yourself with our community:


Among our resources:

TOM community forums  where you can discuss comment ask questions and live chat with other members.



- TOM community challenge   where we challenge you to  make a world of difference in your community by starting with addressing one challenge in your own community.



- TOM NJ Assistive technology Makers and Need-Knowers meetup group where

Makers and Need-Knowers meet to discuss challenges and work on projects.


- Our Spring Makeathon scheduled for April 27-29 , 2018 at the East Brunswick Public Library in East Brunswick , NJ. You may submit a challenge here and /or  apply to the Makethon here .  



-TOM New Jersey Facebook page Is the place to connect share our and your experience with the vast facebook community. Please visit us and share our cause with your own social network.



- TOM New Jersey on Twitter a great and efficient way to connect people that share the passion that we have of addressing challenges in our community and around the world leveraging assistive technology.

Community Calendar

Know how to make things?

Always have solutions for

difficult problems?

Want to make a difference?

Need Knower?

Have a challenge?

Know someone who needs help? Have knowledge about the disability world?


We envision the world with equal opportunity and access to affordable assistive technology. To make our vision a reality, we must continue developing solutions for everyday challenges facing people with disabilities. For sponsorship opportunities please email:


Here are some of the  Challenges 

1. Help us, adapt a tandem bicycle,  to an autistic child that has problems with his motor skills.  The child and a parent may both paddle, stop and steer,
but the child steering will take effect only after the parent approves the child intention. For more information please go  to our projects site 


2. A person with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) sometimes uses laser pointers to communicate. Help us design a laser pointer that is low cost, easy and safe to wear hold and navigate as well as to turn on and off. For more information please go to our projects site 


3. Due to the progressive nature of ALS, communication methods with the environment for a person with ALS will change dynamically as well. Help us create a dynamic body language and gesture vocabulary( can be updated on demand)  that maps alternative and compensatory communication elements used by our Need-Knower into clear meaningful intents.  For more information please go to our projects site site



4. A Need-Knower with a hand tremor is looking for an assistive device that will minimize the tremor impact on everyday activities involving the use of the hand.

Help us provide an adaptive and modular assistive solution that will help make the effective lifting, holding, and moving items more stable for that person.

For more information please go to our projects site



5. A person with Narcolepsy may fall asleep suddenly during regular activities. Help us detect acute early bio-indicators ( like a sharp drop in the heart rate)  that will trigger an alert for the person while operating a machine, like driving a car, or while engaging in other essential activities that require being awake. Among others, you may use APIs of wearable technology devices. For more information please go to our projects site


6. A person with significant hearing loss may have problems hearing in a noisy environment, causing disruption of communication with the environment. Help us design a device that will help reduce background noise while increasing audio signals from the desired source. For more information please go to our projects site


7. Help a person with Tinnitus ( a non-auditory, undesired internal sound) by designing a device that will modulate any appropriate sound of choice. The goal is to create an audible modified sound that may, over time, alleviate the perceived burden of tinnitus. Go to project site. For more information please go to our projects site


8. A person with ADHD ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ) has a decreased ability to maintain concentrated attention over prolonged periods of time. Help us measure the attention period as well as train an individual with ADHD to increase that period of concentrated attention. For more information please go to our projects site


9.Help a cognitive impaired person communicate with the human surrounding better, utilizing non-verbal cues. The solution may involve assistive technology that will be not only adaptive to an individual but that will also use additional signals like vital signs, brain waves, other sources, as well as an adaptive algorithm to enhance this bidirectional communication. For more information please go to our projects site


10. Help us design and implement a digital personal assistant for people with autism.

Digital Personal Assistants like Amazon's Echo or Google Home are becoming mainstream. People with autism have certain needs whether to be reminded of certain tasks daily or playing specific music when requested from a genre that is not met with the commercially available versions. For more information please go to our projects site


11. Help us create a Disability solutions marketplace website. People with disabilities might not be aware when some new solutions become available for them and this platform would serve as an educational site for them. Registered users would be able to provide feedback on existing solutions, what works for them and what does not, which would feed into the solutions provided< Users will also be able to interact socially on related domains.  For more information please go to our projects site


12. Help us create a free nationwide accredited mental health counseling community.

Mental health is increasingly important because without it people cannot function in society, hold down a job or get through depressions, anxiety, breakups, divorces, job losses etc. However, counseling sessions could be costly and often the most vulnerable people might not have the means to participate in counseling. 

GFor more information please go to our projects site


13. Help us design a versatile disability accessible exercise adaptor for exercise machines. The average gyms do not have any machines that are accessible for people with disabilities. Having exercise machines that are accessible would enable people with different disabilities to use them easily. This would enable them to visit their local gym to exercise and come regularly.  For more information please go to our projects site

TOM Community Event Life Cycle

The Team
The Team

Avigdor Ne'eman

TOM:NJ Leader

 Zach Mandell

Virtual and Augmented Reality Expert

Rebecca Fuhrman

TOM Core Leader

Zoltan Szabo

Logistics Lead

Marcel van der Ven

Lead Engineer


Mike MacEwan

Strategic Leader

David Ezrapour

TOM:Rutgers University Lead

Mike MacEwan

Strategic Leader

The Judges

Dov Pollak

VIce President EBJC

The Judges
Our Partners
More Partners
Your Organization
Your Organization
Our Partners

Here are some materials and resources you should expect at the Makeathon. Let us know if you need something special!

Fabrication Tools

Wood Material Tools and machinery 

Metal Tools

3D Printers

Laser Cutters

Electronics Materials 


Bring Your Own Stuff! What Ever You Need BRING IT! Have a favorite tool? bring it with you! 

Tell Us What You Need

Let us know if you need a specific material or tool and we’ll get it for you!

Team Budget

Every team will have its own budget for special materials



The 72-hour event will take place between April 27-29. We will meet at 11:30 AM and finish with a closing ceremony at 16:00 on the last day  The Pre TOM event will take place on Sun Mar 25, 2018,  1:00 PM--4:00 PM. Mark your calendars!



PreTOM will take place a month before the TOM Makeathon. This is where you will choose your team and start to work on the challenge. This event will take place on Sun Mar 25, 2018,  1:00 PM--4:00 PM. Mark your calendars! Attendance is highly recommended. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.



Start with an open mind and a lot of enthusiasm. You are going to be tested in many ways and come away from TOM with an experience like non other. Expect to be challenged, motivated, and moved by what you and your team will accomplish.


Expect to be working and solving problems most of the time over the 72 hours. You will want to get some shut eye back at your home, but you may want to bring a small bag with toiletries and a change of clothes just in case you pull an all-nighter. Also don't forget closed shoes, workshop clothes, computer and charger.


Yes, this is a 3-day commitment and you will be off grid for the entire time.


Registration  is free



Application closes on Thu Mar 15, 2018. If you have not heard from us by the 30th of Nov. please contact us at


Once the makeathon is over all the products will be available online as an open source solution (free and available online) with instructions on how to build your own. Don't forget to document along the way, so others can also enjoy. Past solutions are at:


Contact us!

We are here to help you

with anything:

Past Events

Bay Area Makeathon

Past Events

See the projects utilized



Contact Us
Contact Us

614 Cranbury Road #6231, 

East Brunswick, NJ 08816 |  Tel: 1-609-933-5586

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